Life on Sakhalin, place
of exile
In 1869 Sakhalin was
officially announced to be a zone of penal servitude and exile. We were
crazy enough to go there voluntary in October 2000. Following
an impression what it is like to live there now.
Let's answer the most frequently asked question first: Where the hell is
Sakhalin? It's an island close to Siberia in the Russian Far East. We live
in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, what simply means 'South Sakhalin'. The oil platform
is in the North (near the 'O' of Sea of Okhotsk). Emile has to go there
now and then. Usually by train: fifteen hours...
Our house is on the compound 'Zima', which translates in 'winter'.
There's about 90 houses in total, from two room rotator apartments to
four bedroom castles.
The Van Kerkoerle residence. We were assigned a three bedroom castle
(lucky bastards). We asked them to count Tigre as a child...
The interior. Fully stuffed with American furniture.
Tigre completely settled in. He thinks it is a bit cold though, and
only sticks his nose outside for a few seconds every day.
The office building of 'Sakhalin Energy Investment Company'. The bus you see left
in the picture brings Emile from and to the office in the morning and
evening. During the day it takes a 'shopping route'. Now and then we
reserve a company car.
Lenin still stands on the main square in the centre of town...
Junction close to the big market.
You really need fur to keep you warm, in January it's -35 during the day
Some of the locals even have to wear their hat at home: in many
apartment blocks central heating and electricity are not working. There's
not enough coal for the whole city... At Zima we don't have any problems;
we have our own power plant.
I convinced Emile I needed a fur coat too. All the local women are
wearing it. Very warm indeed. Freed from wearing thermal underwear.
Painting teacher Natasha Kovalevski. She a famous painter around here.
Next to her my first oil painting. It's a lot of fun to do.
Natasha's husband Viktor. Next to him the Dutch girl Rian I go to
painting class with.
More teachers... Russian teacher Natalya Khaletskaya. Very strict. If I
don't make my home work she gets angry...
Frozen sea, about forty kilometres south of Yuzhno-Sakahlinsk. This was in
November. In the middle of the winter, you simply can't get there. Roads get
really bad in winter.
Ice fishing on a lake about fifty kilometres north of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
It's the most popular sport in winter here. We haven't tried yet (too cold!), but will
do in March or so.