AVRO EénVandaag
From 2004 to 2010 I worked for the broadcasting organization
Avro as a reporter for national television and radio. Below
a selection of reports I produced for the current affairs
program EénVandaag
Avro Radio 1
In july 2008 I went to
Afghanistan for a series of
reports on the life of Dutch
soldiers based there for the
main radio news channel
Radio 1.
Driving through the desert in Uruzgan, Afghanistan from
Tarin Kowt to Chora, July 2008. More pictures:
Below a selection of radio reports (Dutch):
Interview with Huub den Rooijen, director of
Noordzeewind, about the first power delivery of the off shore windmill park in Egmond aan Zee, October 2006
(photo by Jos Wassink). |